Delta Gamma

Theta Chapter at Indiana University

Philanthropy Events

Delta Gamma Foundation offers all members lifetime enrichment through educational growth, personal development and opportunities for philanthropic service in the highest spirit of social responsibility. 

Delta Gamma Fraternity, in accordance with its motto, "Do Good," is dedicated to preventing and curing blindness. Our philanthropic efforts have raised over $1 million for various organizations throughout the United States and Canada, and have supported groundbreaking research in blindness prevention. 

Theta Chapter women eagerly give back to the local community by creating holiday cards and treat bags, contributing pop tabs, collecting soup labels, box tops and glasses as well as making food donations. We also enjoy building awareness of the seeing impaired community by aiding local eye clinics in festival advertising and passing out brochures about eye awareness issues. 

The Indiana University Theta Chapter raises money through philanthropy events to support the Visually Impaired Preschool Services (VIPS) of Indiana as well as the Indiana School for the Blind. 

Slices For Sight

Delta Gamma sisters participate in two philanthropies throughout the year. Our first philanthropy event takes place in the early fall. Members invite their friends over to the chapter house and serve pizza to raise money for our philanthropy Service for Sight. 

Anchor Slam

The Theta Chapter's second philanthropy event is a 3-on-3 basketball tournament in the late spring. Each member creates a team of 3 to 5 people and acts as a coach or a sideline supporter. Each team has three to five players of students from various campus organizations. 

Members of Delta Gamma are work hard to recruit teams and sell Anchor Slam jerseys in order to raise money for the blind. Each year's event draws more than 400 spectators and participants and raises over $5,000 for Service for Sight and VIPS.



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